Autobusi no un uz San Diego, CA
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Informācija par pašreizējo maršrutu
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Mūsu efektīvo autobusu oglekļa pēdas vērtība uz vienu pasažieri vienā nobrauktā kilometrā ir izcila.
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Autobusa pieturas pilsētā San Diego, CA
San Diego (Old Town-FlixBus)
2728 Congress St
92110 San Diego, CA
92110 San Diego, CA
Bus will board at the northbound white curb at the intersection of Congress St and Telegraph Way. Telegraph way is the dirt road entrance to “Old Town San Diego.” The loading curb is in front “State Park Lot B” and is indicated by a “No Parking” sign.
San Diego (La Jolla - UC San Diego)
UCSD Health La Jolla Station
92073 San Diego, CA
92073 San Diego, CA
Bus will board in the southbound bus pullout zone on Campus Point Drive immediately south of the UC San Diego Health La Jolla Blue Line Trolley Station. Look for the ‘Passenger Loading Zone 43’ sign.
San Diego Greyhound Bus Stop
2728 Congress St
92110 San Diego, CA
92110 San Diego, CA
Bus will board at the southbound white curb on Congress St outside of the MTS Old Town Transit Center. The loading curb is along a black fence separating Congress St and the interior MTS bus boarding area.
San Diego (Downtown/Seaport Village)
789 W Harbor Dr
92101 San Diego, CA
92101 San Diego, CA
Bus will board at the curbside on W Harbor Dr adjacent to the “Headquarters at Seaport District” sign.
Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/sTEy4a2ccMNyHMkv8
San Diego State University (Hardy Ave)
5716 Hardy Ave
92115 San Diego, CA
92115 San Diego, CA
Bus will board on the westbound curbside of Hardy Ave, west of the intersection at Campanile Dr and Hardy Ave. The stop is in front of Campanile Mall.
San Diego (Balboa Park)
Pan American Plaza and Presidents Way
92101 San Diego, CA
92101 San Diego, CA
Bus will board at the tour bus loading zone located on Presidents Way near Pan American Plaza at Balboa Park (SW part of the park). ***SPECIAL OFFER***: FlixBus riders who present their ticket will receive FREE admission to the San Diego Museum of Art at Balboa Park on the day of their trip.
Tieši sasniedzamas pilsētas
30 |
Autobusa pieturu skaits
6 |
Atklājiet vairāk galamērķu
- Losandželosa, CA
- Phoenix-Tempe, AZ
- San Francisko, CA
- Sacramento, CA
- Orange County-Anaheim-Santa Ana, CA
- San Jose, CA
- San Bernardino, CA
- Beikersfīlda, CA
- Oakland-Berkeley-East Bay, CA
- Fresno, CA
- Santa Barbara, CA
- San Ysidro, CA
- Longas Bīča, CA
- Riverside, CA
- Kalesiko, CA
- Tijuana, Apakškalifornija
- Juma, AZ
- Stoktonas, CA
- Modesto, CA
- San Fernando, CA
Pakalpojumi autobusā tiek piedāvāti atkarībā no to pieejamības