Autobusi no un uz Las Vegas, NV
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Autobusa pieturas pilsētā Las Vegas, NV
Las Vegas Strip (Las Vegas Blvd)
3200 S Las Vegas Blvd
89109 Las Vegas, NV
89109 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will board along the curbside near Forever 21 (north side of the Fashion Show near Fashion Show Dr). Please refer to the map pin on your ticket for the exact location. For rideshare services, select the designated ride-share pick-up area at Forever 21.
Las Vegas S Strip Transit Terminal
Las Vegas Downtown (1st St)
S 1st St
89101 Las Vegas, NV
89101 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will board on west side of S 1st St, across the street from the Bonneville Transit Center, near the intersection of S 1st St and E Bonneville Ave. Look for the green FlixBus sign. Please be respectful of neighbors. Do not loiter, litter or smoke in front of the residences near the stop.
Henderson (Galleria at Sunset)
1300 W Sunset Rd
89014 Las Vegas, NV
89014 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will board at Galleria at Sunset. Stop is located at the loading zone in front of World of Beer and Gen Korean BBQ House, at the south side of the mall. // Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/ei1h8oLBXWbVmx699 // Coordinates: 36.066199, -115.042547
Las Vegas Airport
5757 Wayne Newton Blvd
89119 Las Vegas, NV
89119 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will load at Terminal 1, Zero Level, Courtesy Shuttle Zone. To arrive, go down the escalators east of baggage claim.
Las Vegas North (E Craig Rd)
3815 E Craig Rd
89031 Las Vegas, NV
89031 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will board at the Shell gas station at 3815 E Craig Rd in North Las Vegas. Stop is located in the Shell parking lot behind the bus shelter on Craig Rd. /// Coordinates: 36.240049, -115.096682 /// Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/4fFe8adzjcxSCd9r5
Las Vegas Strip (Gilespie St)
6624 Gilespie St
89119 Las Vegas, NV
89119 Las Vegas, NV
Bus boards at parking lot across the street from Marnell Companies. CUS144 is operated by Alvand. This is not a FlixBus branded trip - FlixBus is only the ticket retailer. The vehicle is white. Luggage: 1 hand bag, 1 hold. Additional luggage can be purchased at the bus for $10 in cash.
Las Vegas (Cox Pavilion - University of Nevada, Las Vegas)
4505 S Maryland Pkwy
89154 Las Vegas, NV
89154 Las Vegas, NV
Bus will board in loading zone north of Tropicana Parking Garage and across from Cox Pavilion.
Tieši sasniedzamas pilsētas
35 |
Autobusa pieturu skaits
8 |
Atklājiet vairāk galamērķu
- Losandželosa, CA
- Phoenix-Tempe, AZ
- Denver, CO
- Tuksona, AZ
- Orange County-Anaheim-Santa Ana, CA
- Beikersfīlda, CA
- San Bernardino, CA
- Flagstaff, AZ
- Santa Barbara, CA
- Longas Bīča, CA
- Ontario / Montclair / Claremont, CA
- Viktorvila, CA
- Barstow, CA
- Kingman, AZ
- Oksnardu-Ventūra, CA
- North Hollywood, CA
- El Monte-Baldwin Park, CA
- St. George, UT
- Glenvudas Springsi, CO
- Sedona, AZ
Pakalpojumi autobusā tiek piedāvāti atkarībā no to pieejamības