Autobusi no un uz Kolumba, OH
Ērtības autobusā
Mūsu autobusi ir aprīkoti ar plašām un ērtām sēdvietām, tualeti, Wi-Fi un kontaktligzdām.
Mūsu pakalpojumi autobusā
Ierašanās laikā
Mēs nogādāsim jūs galamērķī bez problēmām un laikā: 9 no 10 mūsu autobusiem pienāk precīzi.
Informācija par pašreizējo maršrutu
Videi draudzīgi ceļojumi
Mūsu efektīvo autobusu oglekļa pēdas vērtība uz vienu pasažieri vienā nobrauktā kilometrā ir izcila.
Braucieni ar autobusu un vide
Autobusa pieturas pilsētā Kolumba, OH
Columbus Bus Station
845 N Wilson Rd
43204 Kolumba, OH
43204 Kolumba, OH
Pick-up/drop-off is separate from bus traffic, stay right when pulling into station.
Columbus (E Rich St)
100 E Rich Street
43215 Kolumba, OH
43215 Kolumba, OH
Bus will stop on E Rich Street just east of S 3rd Street (between S 3rd and S 4th Streets). Bus will stop on north side of street, across from the parking lot.
Columbus (Ohio State Student Union)
1739 High St
43210 Kolumba, OH
43210 Kolumba, OH
The bus will stop at the half-circle driveway on W 12th Ave side
Columbus (Ohio State University)
55 W 12th Ave
43210 Kolumba, OH
43210 Kolumba, OH
Bus will stop at passenger pick-up area on W 12th Avenue, between N High Street and College Road, in front of Drinko Hall. Bus will stop on south side of the street, across the street from the Union building.
Columbus International Airport
4600 International Gateway
43219 Kolumba, OH
43219 Kolumba, OH
Follow signage for bus transportation in the airport.
Columbus (E Mound St)
306 E Mound St
43215 Kolumba, OH
43215 Kolumba, OH
Bus will stop on E Mound St between S Grant Ave and S 5th St. Passengers MAY NOT park in the nearby parking lots.
Tieši sasniedzamas pilsētas
92 |
Autobusa pieturu skaits
6 |
Atklājiet vairāk galamērķu
Pakalpojumi autobusā tiek piedāvāti atkarībā no to pieejamības